Chapter 5-36 : Epilogue Ⅰ (part 2)
「Mmm~! The food I usually eat in my mansion is good, but honestly, I prefer Lorea’s food! It really makes me feel at home.」(Iris)
「Do you really mean it?」(Lorea)
「Of course! Right, Kate?」(Iris)
Safety and comfort are necessary to call a place your home, but sometimes, solace is also important. For example, having warm and delicious food waiting for you when you return from work.
One of the reasons why Iris-san and Kate-san like this place is without a doubt because Lorea-chan is here.
「This is probably what you call “conquer someone’s stomach with food”.」(Sarasa)
「Hm? Does that mean that I have conquered your stomach with my food?」(Lorea)
I nodded at Lorea-chan who cutely tilted her head and put her index finger on her lips.
「When I lived in the dormitory, I thought the purpose of eating was just to fill your stomach, but now, it’s different. Thanks to Lorea-chan, I feel like eating has become the thing I’m looking forward to every day.」(Sarasa)
Lorea-chan smiled shyly and scratched her cheek with her index finger.
「Store Owner-dono seems to like girls who can cook… So what Mother said was right, huh…?」(Iris)
「See? Iris, you should have more sense of crisis and do your best so that Store Owner-san won’t abandon you.」(Kate)
Hm? Me? Abandon Iris-san? I wonder what they are talking about…
Aah, I see. Iris-san’s mother wants us to get married, so if I say that I don’t want to, that will mean that I’m abandoning her, right?
But… Since Iris-san is a noble, and I’m a commoner, objectively speaking, Iris-san would be the one who had the right to abandon me, not the other way around.
「At least you can start practicing cooking from now on. Well, I doubt you will be able to beat Lorea in terms of cooking, though.」(Kate)
「Ugh, that’s… W, Well, I’m a noble’s daughter, so I don’t have to cook by myself.」(Iris)
「Hahh… But your family is so poor that they don’t even have money to hire a cook, right?」(Kate)
「I know. That’s why I’ll leave the cooking to you.」(Iris)
「Did you forget? We promise if I marry Store Owner-dono, you will be her mistress. The two of us are a set after all!」(Iris)
Iris-san puffed out her chest and looked at Kate-san with a smug face.
Certainly, I remember she said something like that. If I marry Iris-san, then Kate-san will be my mistress.
Uhh… Honestly, I don’t know what to say about it…
「Ugh… But, I don’t think I can beat Lorea-chan in cooking either… What should we do, Iris? Store Owner-san will abandon us!」(Kate)
「Nooo! What should we do~!?」(Iris)
Kate-san and Iris-san glanced at me with puppy eyes. I know they’re just joking, so I can’t help but sigh.
「Hahh… I won’t abandon you just because you can’t cook better than Lorea-chan, so don’t worry about it.」(Sarasa)
They were talking like I would marry them if they could ‘conquer my stomach with their food’.
Talking about cooking, Lorea-chan’s cooking isn’t just delicious, but also cheap. It’s much more delicious than the food in the restaurants in the royal capital but costs about the same, even less.
In a sense, you could say that it wasn’t just my stomach that Lorea-chan conquered, but also my wallet.
I think having good cooking skills and management skills like Lorea-chan is an important thing to be a good wife.
「A, Anyway, we can talk about our marriage another time. More importantly, a lot happened while we were separated, so shall we exchange information?」(Sarasa)
「You’re right. You can say that our marriage has already been decided, so let’s put it aside for now.」(Iris)
Hold on…
Our marriage has already been decided?
That’s news to me…
I remember I agreed about the engagement between me and Iris-san, but I didn’t say I would agree with the marriage.
「Alright, we’ll tell you what we know first.」(Iris)
Iris-san simply ignored my focused face and started the conversation.
「Kate, I’m counting on you.」(Iris)
However, she immediately left the explanation to Kate-san.
「Geez, you’re like Adelbert-sama who always leaves everything to my mom.」(Kate)
「I’m his daughter after all!」(Iris)
Seeing Iris-san puff out her chest proudly, Kate-san shook her head and sighed.
「Oh, well… Anyway, Store Owner-san, after we parted with you and Lorea, we headed to the Lotze Territory with Madison-san and his army. However, we decided to split into two parties so that we didn’t stand out too much.」(Kate)
We planned to hide Madison-san and his men in the Lotze Territory for a while, but it would be pointless if Baronet Kirk found out about it.
Therefore, Iris-san, Kate-san, and the twelve members of Madison-san’s army had to move secretly to the Lotze Territory.
Since moving in a large number of people stood out and might be found by Baronet Kirk’s men, they decided to split into two groups with Iris-san and Kate-san as each group’s leader.
「If we split into two groups of seven people, each of us would look like a group of Collectors, right?」(Kate)
「I see. That was a wise idea.」(Sarasa)
「But, Kate-san, Iris-san, didn’t you feel anxious? I mean, the both of you were the only women among those men, right?」(Lorea)
When Lorea-chan asked that, Iris-san smiled and shook her head.
「Well, they saw us when we slayed the giant centipede, so I doubted there were fools among them who would try to assault us. Besides, they knew that we had powerful magic stones we got from Store Owner-dono.」(Iris)
Madison-san and his men seemed to be good people, so the risk of them rebelling was pretty low. However, it didn’t mean that they wouldn’t assault girls. They are men, after all.
Therefore, I handed them some magic stones that contained powerful spells.
Of course, it would be meaningless if Madison-san and his men were not aware of it, so I told Iris-san and Kate-san to use them on monsters they encountered on the way.
「Oh, right. We have to return the remaining stones.」(Iris)
「Yeah. They are expensive after all. Thank you, Store Owner-san.」(Kate)
「No problem. I’m glad they were usefulー I mean, I’m glad that you didn’t have to use them on those men」(Sarasa)
The two of them took out the remaining magic stones from their luggage and handed them to me.
Longer sarasa delay the talk about marriage, sooner everyone accepted them marriage lol
Thank you for the new chapter!
Dense MC is common but it is first time reading yuri version. With protagonist being straight…
The same Sarasa admiring how beautiful Iris’ naked body was, and how Kate was also really beautiful?
Thanks for your hard work!! it was a very enjoyable read….. now I feel empty, I want to read the raws, but I kinda don’t want to end it, such a dilemma.
nvm, there’s only few chapters left.
about time